I haven't been around much the last couple of months and I have so many things I want to share with you all that will be coming up! But before I jump into blogging about all the new adventures that I am and will be taking with the shop and my growing little business, I want to share some of the highlights from the last couple of months. March and April where chaotic, exciting and not just a little exhausting for me and mine!
First, my sister gave me an adorably handsome new nephew to dote on and spoil as much as I do with my niece! Such an exciting thing for Mr. N and I to be aunts and uncles...are kiddos are older (and we no plans for more) so getting to cuddle and play with little ones and then send them home to mom and dad is ideal. Plus we get to buy the cutest shoes, and books and don't even get me started on creating for them! This little guy came a bit early and threw our schedules out the window...but I was able to make the drive in plenty of time to be there for his birth:)
Oh Happy Day!
When we finally got back home from the happy occasion we had one week to get my daughter ready for her prom. She had her dress, but we needed shoes, makeup, jewelry, to get her hair dyed, ect! Plus we needed to pick up her handmade Gatsby inspired head piece from Brie Holst's etsy shop Vintage Wedding Gems. Brie is a fellow member of Handmade In Kansas City and discovering her amazing shop and products could not have come at a better time (look for post coming very soon about Brie and Handmade in Kansas City!). Getting her all ready in a week was crazy but it was so much fun and we ended up with some awesome finds! Most important her and her date (who is always her bestie) had a blast...and looked stunning doing it!
I can't get over how beautiful she is! The roaring 20's fashion suite her well...
I don't think these two could take a bad picture if they tried! We stopped into Mr. N work and took snap shots from the balcony patio and it made for some pretty stunning pics.
With all this other stuff going on mine and Mr. N's 1 year anniversary snuck up on us! I can't beleive last year at this time we were up to our eyeballs in a diy wedding that would eventually lead us to venture into opening our small business! So much has changed in this year and has been one of the most rewarding, exciting years of my life. I know I have picked the perfect person as my partner in life and in business, there is, without a doubt, no better match for me and I am one lucky girl. Now someone remind me of that the next time one of us makes the other want to pull their hair out! ;)
The Incredible Mr. N and I at the Adobe Max conference on our mini honeymoon/work trip for the hubby.
And even with the chaos and the busy schedule I have been busy creating! I have been jazzing up a couple of regulars in the shop, like the mason jar sewing kit, and the needle minders, as well as thinking up some really fun and useful goodies! In the next couple of weeks you will see several new designs and styles going up in the shop for the jars and needle minders, and make sure to check out what has been added the last couple weeks already in my Etsy shop, Stik A Pin In It. And keep your eyes peeled for some announcements here on the blog for new products being offered in both shops! I'm really excited about the direction things are taking:)
Llama Love<3 A cute quirky way to keep your sewing tools at the ready with mason jar sewing kit and pin cushion!
I'm telling you peeps, there is lots of awesome coming your way...so make sure you are following on FB or Twitter...or even better follow the blog by email so you don't miss out! We have two giveaways lined up, and Mr. N and I are working on a few different free printables just for you! Plus I'm going to try my hand at some diy tutorials and at the very least you can point and laugh at my sad attempts...at the most you learn something new;)
Till Next Time,
Shelly Lyn Nguyen
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