Okay so I am finally getting around to doing this whole blog thing. Apparently this is a necessary evil when you are building a small online craft business, and I will do it, but I can't promise I will be any good at it! I am much more comfortable with a pair of scissors and a glue gun then I am with a keyboard and an audience. I guess I shall console myself with the fact that I have a very small audience at this point (even if that defeats the point;) Okay, enough complaining, lets get to the basics!!!

Who: ME! Oh not everyone know's who me is? Okay well...Hello There! I'm ShellyLyn Nguyen (it was about a month before my wedding that I said my full name out loud and had a total Julia Goulia moment...watch Wedding Singer, you'll get it). I'm a lot of things, a mom, a wife, a substitute teacher hoping to get her Elementary Education degree, an avid crafter, lover of all things cross stitch and embroidery. And recently an Etsy shop owner...which comes with it's own list of job titles..eg. Constant Blogger! Hopefully this blog will help you to get to know me better and for me to reach out and meet some new faces as well as share and connect with peeps who have been here from the start! I will also be introducing you to a few people over time that have helped me to get things off the ground...I think you will love them as much as I do!
What: What is this all about you might ask. Since I made the plunge from hobby to business (or that’s the plan anyways!) I am creating a blog to go along with BOTH of my new Etsy Shops. You should definitely check them out, Lyn Nguyen Boutique at the moment is selling Hair Bows, some seasonal items, a few printables and in the future will have LOTS new seasonal stuff, various accessories as well as home decor and the thing I am most excited about is our Party Supplies and Decorations!!! Stik a Pin In It is all about Needlework! You are going to find, embroidery patterns, as well as pin cushions (hence the name stik a pin in it!). And stay tuned for several new patterns, including seasonal ones, new pin cushions and other sewing accessories! I will also be adding some DIY tutorials, free printables, and party planning post to the blog that hopefully you guys will really enjoy!
Where: Here on the Blogosphere of course! Well that and both Etsy stores...and we can’t forget about all the social media outlets! I have a LynNguyen Pinterest Board as well as a FaceBook Page and an Instagram where you can see my latest and greatest!
When: Ummm, Now? Yes definitely now. So lets do this dang thing!
Why: It was time. For years I have heard people say you should do this for a living...especially about the party planning and decorating. Since I do NOT want to be a party planner this is the next best thing! Plus my husband (who will now be lovingly referred to as Mr. N) who is wicked talented and super creative, encouraged me to get on it. He has been working with me and helping me to present things oh so much prettier than I ever could have on my own. We seriously make a good team;)
How: This is the part I'm still learning. The How. How do you go from DIY's and party planning to running a small business and writing a blog, as well as making all your inventory? I'm still learning about all that. And that, my friends, is the journey I'm hoping you will take with me.
For now that is the gist of things. I have several new blog post planned about the How and the Why that I am very excited to get up and going! We also have some tutorials and DIY's for the upcoming seasons and Holidays, free printables, and a couple of giveaways coming your way.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, visit often and I hope you find some goodies you like in my Etsy stores!!!
I’m Out,
Lots to come so make sure to follow me on Bloglovin!
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